
Agency and Mediation

Abacus is one of the market leaders in property consultancy and agency services in the office, warehouse, retail and residential sectors.

Property Valuation

Through intensive involvement in the market and the permanent updating of our database, we guarantee a complete valuation service in all segments of the property market, in accordance with international standards.

Equipment and Machinery Valuation




Valuing a machine or piece of equipment is not an easy, quick or even immediate task. Machines and equipment come with various objectives, functions, methods, type of work, operation, operational contexts and different safety requirements. They are associated with different families of equipment, different safety rules, environmental rules and energy efficiency rules. Moreover, they are covered by different technical standards, directives, and legislated regulations on periodic and safety inspections.

Property Management

Good property management brings significant and clear savings. Through our Management Department, we offer a management service for office, industrial, retail and residential properties.

Research and Consulting

The work of our Research and Consulting department is centred around one crucial factor in modern management: information. We gather and analyse information on the activity and trends in the markets and provide our clients with information that is always up to date.

Get in touch with us


Condomínio do Bengo, Rua Fernão Lopes S/N   

Bloco A - 2º Piso - Escritório C

Vila Alice - Luanda - Angola

(+244) 222 718 975 / 943 621 553

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